Hydrotec eyes hydro projects in Leyte

MANILA, Philippines - Renewable energy firm Hydrotec Renewables Inc. is looking at  developing several potential mini and micro hydro projects in Leyte to  electrify unenergized regions while creating jobs in areas devastated  by Super Typhoon Yolanda.

Hydrotec director Hannes Mueller said the company is looking at  several opportunities in Leyte. 

“Hydrotec’s engagement in Leyte, our German and Filipino engineers are currently checking several potential sites for mini and micro hydros  in Leyte like at Baybay and Ormoc area,” he said. 

Hydrotec’s mini and micro hydro projects are designed for fast construction period of just six to eight months for small hydros up to 10 megawatts, data from the company showed. Mini and micro hydros can be constructed at a faster pace or within  two to four months. 

For the installation of micro hydros, up to 50 kilowatts, the company is in discussion for support and grants from the European Commission and the German Government, Mueller said. 

For the construction, he added, the company would outsource local  laborers and firms, as well as for the operation and maintenance.  “This will especially help to produce electricity in un-electrified  areas, but as well in electrified regions,” Mueller also said. 

This developed as the  German-Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GPCCI), German corporations and private citizens from  Germany have responded to the call for donations to restructure the  typhoon devastated areas. 

The GPCCI decided to further contribute to the project of the delivery of 10 and installation of LED solar streetlights. The lights  are presently installed in 10 barangays to answer their call for  electrification before Christmas. 

The streetlights were manufactured and installed by Maschinen and Technik, Inc. (MATEC), a pioneer in renewable energy application in  the Philippines and a company affiliated with Hydrotec, Mueller also  said. 

These 30-watt streetlights have an autonomy of two days are are  mounted on six-meter poles.

The presence of solar street lights in Ormoc is seen to contribute to enhancing the security and safety in  the communities. 

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