IPOPHL creates Bureau of Copyright

MANILA, Philippines - The Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines (IPOPHL) is setting up a new agency which would be responsible for the accreditation of organizations which would collect royalties for copyrighted works used for commercial purposes in line with the amended IP Code.

IPOPHL director general Ricardo Blancaflor told reporters during the 3rd Philippine Anti-Counterfeiting and Piracy Summit yesterday that under the amended IP Code signed by President Aquino earlier this year, the IPOPHL could create a new agency, the Bureau of Copyright.

“It (amended IP Code) gives us the right to create the Bureau of Copyright. We are just waiting for the go-signal of DBM (Department of Budget and Management),” he said.

The new bureau, which the IPOPHL expects to be in place by early next year, would be responsible for promoting awareness of IP rights and the accreditation of collective management organizations (CMO) or those which would collect royalties of copyrighted works being used in public places.

He noted that while the Filipino Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers (FILSCAP) already collects fees for the usage of works of composers, authors and publishers, many establishments would want to pay royalties to CMOs which are accredited by the government.

“What mall owners want is for government to regulate them (CMOs),” he said.

Performer’s Rights Society of the Philippines corporate secretary John Lesaca explained that while the FILSCAP has been collecting royalties for copyrighted works, collections have been small as many are not yet aware of the need to pay for the use of such works.

Lesaca said that under the amended IP Code, even performers such as recording artists would be paid for the use of the copyrighted works.






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