Preparations still on for Obama visit?

In spite of the US government’s partial shutdown after Republicans and Democrats failed to reach a new budget, our sources say preparations are still being made for the Oct. 11-12 visit of US President Barack Obama to the Philippines. As of this writing, no official announcement has been made by the US State Department about any postponement or cancellation, although there has been an admission that the shutdown puts Obama’s Asian trip at risk of being cancelled in light of political pressure for the American President to “stay at home.” 

There are however many – including senior US administration officials – who are strongly insisting for the Asia trip to push through since it would be very “embarrassing” to cancel considering Obama’s earlier statements that he was personally looking forward to enhance US position in Asia – a region where half of the global economy is represented. Obama has previously confirmed attendance to the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Leaders Summit in Indonesia – the country where he spent his childhood. Other than personal reasons, everyone knows the APEC Summit in Indonesia is important to Obama because it is an opportunity for the US to strengthen ties with its frontline allies in the region not only diplomatically and militarily but also economically. Analysts note the overarching importance of the region in the new strategy of the US dubbed as “pivot to Asia,” to contain the Chinese. As one expert noted, maintaining pro-American sentiment among nations located near choke-points such as Malacca Strait are critical in keeping commercial and trade arteries open because they impact the global economy. 

As far as two weeks ago when the White House announced Obama’s visit to the Philippines, an advance team had already arrived, with another team set to come shortly before the US President’s arrival. Like in the eight-hour Manila visit of George Bush in 2003, the airport will probably be closed for two hours, with temporary flight restrictions to be imposed and a special tarmac to be put in place. Vice President Jojo Binay will most likely be the one to meet Obama at the airport. 

Aside from Air Force One, another 747 will probably arrive not so much as a decoy but to bring in Secret Service agents and other essential personnel – although there is a big possibility that the number of people joining the trip will be pared down significantly. A C-17 Globemaster could also be utilized to transport cargo that include the President’s limousine and other stuff for members of the Obama delegation. Incidentally, the last of the C-17s (manufactured by Boeing/McDonnell Douglas) for the US Air Force was delivered a few weeks ago. 

Let’s not forget, highly advanced communications technology now makes it possible for Obama to get in touch with Washington even on board Air Force One which is equipped with the most sophisticated and secure communications equipment that allows it to function as a mobile command center anywhere the American President goes.

Although not a lot of details have been made available, the route for the Obama visit (should it push through) will be lined with several transmission devices to make sure that security is in place, with roads to be closed ahead to make way for the presidential motorcade which could cause traffic. Naturally, Obama will be ensconced in his armored vehicle – nicknamed “The Beast” and Cadillac One – which goes wherever the US President travels.

The Beast is fitted with heavy armor, eight-inch thick titanium doors, run-flat tires and steel wheels.  The vehicle is designed to withstand explosions and is prepared against any biochemical attack due to a lock-down mechanism that seals the interiors during an attack. It is equipped with night vision and has gadgets and weaponry that can surpass that of a battalion. More importantly, the trunk has a blood bank with the US President’s blood type. 

The US government, however, is commissioning a replacement for “The Beast” which first saw service in 2009. The “rolling fortress” – as Cadillac One is also described – had broken down during Obama’s foreign trips like in Ireland and more recently, in Israel – convincing the Secret Service that an “upgrade” is now needed. Sources say bidding for a new armor design limousine was already conducted with the winning manufacturer supposed to have been selected last Sept. 29, but details have not been announced so far. 

No doubt the whole Asia trip including the visit to the Philippines will be costly but then again, we’re talking about the security of the most powerful man on earth – something that is of greatest concern not only to America but its allies. Analysts and US administration officials are convinced that the Asia trip is something that should not be put on hold because of the enormous amounts of preparation for a presidential visit – although it’s not the first time that a cancellation could happen due to security or other reasons. Obama cancelled a presidential summit with Russia’s Vladimir Putin scheduled last September because of Moscow’s decision to grant asylum to NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden.

Be that as it may, both Secretary Albert del Rosario and US Ambassador Harry Thomas have been working hard to make the visit as seamless as possible. Ambassador Thomas had been a busy bee making farewell rounds, but to his pleasant surprise he was made to stay by the State department to oversee this historic visit of the US President to the Philippines – which if it pushes through will be a great way to cap the American diplomat’s tour of duty in the country.




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