Albay to host APEC initial meeting in ‘14

MANILA, Philippines - Albay has been chosen to host the first major activity of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) in December 2014.

Albay Gov. Joey Salceda said the event, the Informal Senior Ministerial Meetings, the second or third largest event of the entire Summit, will be held at the world-class Misibis Bay Resort hideaway Pacific island in Bacacay, Albay.

The luxury Misibis Bay Resort is the setting of the now favorite TV series bearing the same title. It directly faces the Pacific Ocean.

Albay’s bid last May to host the APEC Leaders Summit – slated in the Philippines in 2015 – won at least ten of the events. The summit has nine main conferences and 54 subsidiary meetings over a one-year period starting December 2014.  Salceda said the first informal ministerial meeting is scheduled December 4-5 and will be attended by some 300 ranking official of the APEC member countries including ministers and their deputies. Representatives of world media will cover the event. The back up sites for the event are Boracay and Bacolod City.


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