12-man Utah trade mission due next wk

MANILA, Philippines - A 12-member trade mission from the State of Utah is set to visit the Philippines next week to scout for business opportunities as well as promote the American state both as an investment and tourist destination.

According to the US Embassy in Manila, the trade mission led by Brett Heimburger, director for Asia-Pacific of the Utah Governor’s Office for Economic Development would be in Manila from July 15 to 17 to explore trade opportunities with Philippine businessmen.

In particular, the mission is interested in seeking partnerships with Philippine traders in the sectors of plant nutrition, nutritional supplements, educator effectiveness training, student-learner skills development, medical infusion pumps, and wine.

The mission also intends to encourage investments and tourism in Utah.

Utah is one of the most business-friendly states in the US, having an AAA bond rating, as well as a low and flat five-percent corporate and personal tax rate.

For three times in a row, Forbes Magazine named Utah as the best state for business and careers.

Travel Away Magazine has also ranked Utah as one of the top five most beautiful states in America.

Aside from meeting with potential business partners, the Utah trade mission would also meet with Philippine government officials and officers of the American Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines.

The State of Utah delegation is the third trade mission hosted by the US Embassy in Manila this year. 

Two more missions are in the works.

The first of the two missions to be held in September would focus on energy, energy efficiency, and environment, while the other which is scheduled in October, would be for the promotion of US universities to the Philippines.

The Philippines is becoming an attractive location for business given its improving economic conditions and  skilled labor force.


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