Alternergy’s wind power project gets DOE nod

MANILA, Philippines - The Department of Energy (DOE) has given the go-signal to renewable energy company Alternergy Wind One Corp. to operate commercially its 67.5-megawatt wind power project in Pililla, Rizal.

Alternergy president Vincent Perez, who served as Energy Secretary during the Macapagal-Arroyo administration, welcomed the DOE’s approval, saying the company can now move forward with the project.

“We are very pleased to receive the certificate of declaration of commerciality from the DOE. This is an important milestone as we move forward with the project,” Perez said.

The DOE issued the certificate after exhaustive evaluation on the project’s compliance and completeness with the work program and obligations committed under Alternergy’s wind energy service contract.

With the energy department’s go-signal, Alternergy would soon commence construction of the wind farm.

Alternergy was part of the Bangui Bay wind farm, the first commercial wind farm in Southeast Asia.

“We are ready to commence construction of the Pililla wind farm. Our technical team has thoroughly laid down the site planning, logistics and engineering to deliver the wind farm in the most-timely manner,” Perez said.

Energy Secretary Carlos Jericho Petilla, for his part, noted that the Pililla wind farm is a technically and commercially feasible and viable project.

Petilla also noted that the project is being developed by Alternergy, in partnership with Korea East West Power, a generation subsidiary of Korea Electric Power Co (Kepco).

Perez said the Pililla wind farm involves the construction and installation of 27 wind turbines along the ridge of the mountainous Rizal province.

Based on the Wind Atlas of the Philippines conducted by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory of the United States, the Pililla wind site has a promising wind resource.

Alternergy Wind One verified and confirmed the potential after more than three years of wind resource assessment by GL Garrad Hassan, a global wind consultancy firm, the company said.

Alternergy earlier signed an interconnection agreement between Alternergy and Manila Electric Co. (Meralco), marking the first interconnection entered into by Meralco for a wind power project.

The Pililla wind project is expected to be ready for commissioning by early 2015, Perez said.

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