Hortaleza gets APELA Award

MANILA, Philippines - Dr. Rolando Hortaleza, chairman and CEO of Splash Corp., was accorded the 2013 Asia Pacific Enterprise Leadership Award (APELA) in the Built-to-Last Category which was recently awarded at the Marina Bay Sands in Singapore. The Built-to-Last Category honors enterprise leaders whose vision and personal qualities have transformed the enterprise through practice and organizational change towards a more sustainable future. Under Dr. Hortaleza’s leadership, Splash Corp.n put up its own research and development outfit called the Splash Research Institute which continually analyses existing and potential new products to make sure said products remain true to their claim of efficacy and competitiveness. There is a continuing process of introducing new products and rationalizing or discontinuance of existing products to ensure the sustainability of the company. Dr. Hortaleza has also engendered in Splash Corp. attributes that are important for the sustained success of the organization namely innovativeness, vision, belief in oneself, dedication to work and intimate knowledge of the Filipino beauty psyche. APELA honors CEO-level enterprise leaders for outstanding achievement in elevating the ideal of corporate stewardship across the region. Dr. Hortaleza was one of only three awardees from the Philippines, the others being Guillermo Aponte of Coca Cola Far East Ltd. and Alberto Villarosa of Security Bank. The Philippine winners join awardees from Australia, Brunei, China Hong Kong, India, Japan, Malaysia, New Zealand, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, and Vietnam.


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