MAP prepares masterplan for Asean biz integration

MANILA, Philippines - The Management Association of the Philippines (MAP) is drafting a masterplan that will contain strategies on how businesses can prepare and compete in a unified Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) unified market by 2015.

Speaking at the 64th MAP inaugural meeting and induction of the new board of governors Monday, MAP president Melito Salazar Jr. said the group is coming up with a masterplan that will help businesses prepare for the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC).

“We are planning to have a master plan for Philippine competitiveness on ASEAN integration by September,” he said.

He said that while the ASEAN is working to achieve regional economic integration through the AEC by 2015, businesses in the country do not appear to be ready for it.

“The AEC will be a reality in 2015 – a unified market place for ASEAN...Are we prepared for it? I do not think so,” he said.

The AEC will transform the ASEAN into a region with free movement of goods, services, investment, skilled labor as well as flow of capital.

In line with the masterplan for Philippine competitiveness, Salazar said the MAP has entered into a Memorandum of Agreement with the Philippine section of the ASEAN Business Advisory Council and the East Asia Business Council to help MAP members prepare for the AEC and to sound the urgent call for Philippine business to gear up for the challenges ahead.

Aside from preparations for the AEC, Salazar said the MAP also intends to continue to promote the practice of good governance as this is seen to lead to the country’s strong economic performance.

“Good governance means good results,” he said.

“With good governance, projects are finished within the budget as are the costs and at times, generating savings for more projects for the Filipino people,” he said further.

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