Handicraft exporters eye new markets

MANILA, Philippines - Handicraft exporters are looking at new markets to tap for their products as they aim for a 10-percent growth in shipments this year from a year ago.

Philippine Chamber of Handicraft Industries Inc. (PCHI) president Dennis Orlina said in a statement they are looking at emerging markets for higher exports this year.

Handicraft exports were estimated to have reached $130 million last year.

“Top countries we are looking at are Brazil, Uruguay and Peru,” Orlina said.

He said other countries such as Russia and Vietnam and those in Africa are likewise being eyed.

Industry players are also working with countries not really hit by the European economic crisis, including Germany and Italy.

Orlina said the country could cater to these markets because of good product design turned out by local makers.

“China supplies products having the same look. That’s helping us get the orders now because we have something new to offer,” he said.

“Our designs have always been appreciated. Philippine products are much sought after (by consumers),” he said further.

The country’s biggest market for handicrafts are the US and Japan.

To capture more buyers, Orlina said handicraft makers are expanding the use of indigenous materials such as abaca and bamboo in their products.

Recycling is a growing trend with buyers having preference for handicrafts made from recycled materials, so industry players are looking at using old materials in their products as well.

“The pressure for creativity and recycling is becoming more and more. That is why, we are now looking for new materials and new interpretations for old materials,” he noted.

He also said that despite challenges being faced by the sector, the business opportunities are always there.  

“We are seeing the market growing. As long as the market is buying and it is not buying from you, you still have a future. It is just a matter of getting the buyers to come and really buy from us,” he said.

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