Ad Congress 2013 venue known in Jan

MANILA, Philippines - The Advertising Board of the Philippines, through its executive director Jones Campos, said the formal and official announcement of the winning bidder of the Ad Congress venue will be done early January 2013.

The bidding of the venue was held last Dec. 17, participated in by Boracay, SBMA, Baguio City and Davao City.

According to AdBoard chairman Ricky Alegre, “the winning bidder will be officially announced in a formal ceremony as the AdBoard follows a procedure to ensure that the next host of the Ad Congress is adequately capable of providing the minimum requirements to stage the event.”

The Ad Congress is a biennial event of the Advertising Board of the Philippines. It is the industry’s biggest advertising/marketing communications gathering in the country involving the advertisers, advertising agencies, suppliers, media, research organizations, billboard operators and other stakeholders. Local and foreign speakers are invited to update business and marketing practitioners on the latest or current trends in advertising and marketing communications.

The 23rd Ad Congress in 2013 will be jointly spearheaded by the Marketing & Opinion Research Society of the Philippines (MORES) and the Advertising Suppliers Association of the Philippines (ASAP).

The date of the Ad Congress will also be announced soon.

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