Stylish mini refs

MANILA, Philippines - If there is one thing that Lady Gaga showed us, it’s that eggs are useful receptacles. They can be used as transportation to awards shows or in this case, a stylish portable personal refrigerator. The Sovov portable cooler and warmer is a stylish mini egg – shape fridge where you can store beverages and is small enough to put in your bedroom or lounge, take it to your office or to any outdoor activity. A button on the back portion of the fridge allows you to switch whether you want the content cold or hot.  It also has a built-in plug that you can out in your car’s power outlet for those out-of-town trips.  It can easily hold six soda cans and comes in two sizes: 1 6 liter and 10 liter variant. Other designs include a 3.5-liter soccer ball and a 14-liter retro refrigerator in soft pink. For inquiries please contact tel. nos. 779-7249 and (0939)925-0278.



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