Department of Agriculture lifts ban on Taiwan poultry

MANILA, Philippines - The Department of Agriculture (DA) has lifted the temporary ban on the importation of poultry and other poultry products from Taiwan after global animal health authorities confirmed that Taiwan is now free from bird flu contamination

Through DA memorandum order No.32-2012, Agriculture Secretary Proceso Alcala ordered the immediate lifting of the ban on the importation of domestic and wild birds and their products – including poultry meat, day old chicks, eggs and semen –from Taiwan.

Importation of such products, however, should be in accordance with the existing rules and regulations of the Bureau of Animal Industry and the National Meat Inspection Service.

Meanwhile, in a report submitted to the Office Internationale des Epizooties (OIE), Dr. Kwo-Ching Huang, chief veterinary official and deputy director general of Taiwan’s Bureau of Animal and Plant Inspection Quarantine Council of Agriculture, said that the H5N2 highly pathogenic avian influenza infection in Taiwan has been resolved as Aug. 14, 2012.

Proper surveillance has also been completed to determine that the outbreak of bird flu in Taiwan had been contained. 

Huang said the disinfection of affected premises was completed in May 2012. 

No further cases have been reported in Chinese Taipei.

“In compliance with the terrestrial animal health code of OIE, Taiwan is now free from HPAI,” Huang said.

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