Businesses urged to use Internet to push products

Manila, Philippines -  Businesses are advised to use the Internet for promoting their products and services as more consumers are going online to research before making purchases.

Google communications associate Sana Rahman said in a briefing yesterday that companies should consider using online advertisements for the products and services they offer as more and more people are using the Internet to research goods they plan to buy before making the purchase.

“Why should businesses go online? The trends show that people are going to the Internet before purchasing (goods),” she said.

She noted that based on a study of Consumer Barometer, a global effort of Interactive Advertising Bureau Europe with TNS Infratest and Google, around 65 percent of consumers surveyed in Asia Pacific conducted research online before purchasing offline.

In the Philippines, she said the study showed that around 70 percent of consumers first make a research of their purchases online even if they purchase offline.

“This (trend) shows the potential of growing the business by going online,” she said.

Businesses, whether big or small, she said, can take advantage of the Internet through putting up online search advertisements.

Google’s search engine is often used by consumers to look up items they plan to purchase by typing in keywords or a query.

A consumer gets search results based on an algorithm according to the relevance of online advertisements available.

Rahman said online advertisements offer businesses the benefit of reaching users at a time of relevance anywhere.

Online advertisements, she said, likewise provide a level playing field since any company can use it and there are no massive cost for start-ups required.

She added that online advertisers only have to pay when someone clicks on the ad. “This means they are only paying when the ad works,” she said.

She said that as search results show ads that users find useful and relevant, online advertising likewise allows companies to customize their campaigns.

“Advertisers can adjust or cancel their ads anytime, so ad campaigns are instantly very customizable.”

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