French firm confident DOTC will uphold ro-ro port project

MANILA, Philippines - A French government-owned company expressed confidence yesterday the Department of Transportation and Communication (DOTC) would uphold its official development assistance (ODA)-funded modular roll-on roll-off (ro-ro) port project in the country.

Dr. Patrick Azanza, senior adviser to Eiffel, a French government-owned firm, and Matierre SAS consortium was commenting on reports coming from the DOTC that based on a report of the agency’s special committee, the French government-assisted modular ro-ro ports project was cost-effective.

DOTC Undersecretary Ruben Reinoso earlier said that based on a joint report of the Philippine Ports Authority (PPA) and the Maritime Industry Authority (Marina), the modular ro-ro ports would boost the local shipping industry.

The report was prepared because of insinuations that the French government project was overpriced by local competitors that Azanza said were using old and expensive ro-ro materials like concrete and steel, and require expensive maintenance to include frequent expensive dredging at the Philippine government’s expense.

The DOTC is expected to formally release its report before the end of the month amid strong lobbying for the government to renege on its ODA contract with the French government by local players.

Eiffel officials earlier said they were surprised by sudden allegations of overpricing coming out in the media.

Reinoso said the cost of the French project cannot be questioned unless it is compared to other proposals of the same specifications, including all the components of building a ro-ro port, the lifespan, operation and maintenance of the project.

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