P434-million project seen to spur growth in northeastern Luzon

MANILA, Philippines - The Aurora Pacific Economic Zone (APECO) administration is pushing for a P434-million development project in a bid to transform northeastern Luzon into an industrial, cultural, maritime and corporate hub.

“The project will be a catalyst for growth in the region, comprising Aurora, Quirino, Quezon, Nueva Viscaya and Isabela,” said APECO deputy administrator Mon Fernando.

It would focus on the development of agro-industry, marine and fisheries, infrastructure, tourism and green technology, especially in poor provinces, he added.

But APECO stressed that the pristine coastline and virgin forests of Aurora will be protected, contrary to what critics claim.

Aurora’s capital Baler is one of the few provinces left with about 75 percent of its virgin forests intact.

The ecozone is the site of a new airport and seaport, corporate campus, hotel, and housing facility.

“APECO is genuine empowerment of local government units. Aurora and its nearby provinces in the northeast seaboard are the definitive winners in this project,” Fernando said.

APECO added that consultations were made with town leaders, including barangay captains and Dumagat chieftains who supported the project.

Casiguran Mayor Rey Bitong, APECO board member, took part in the planning stage, said Fernando.

At a recent Senate budget hearing on APECO, 10 representatives of the Dumagat tribe, four of whom are chieftains, expressed their support to ecozone goals.

APECO assured that it would not endanger food security nor spoil the pristine waters of Casiguran Bay.

“APECO will not threaten food security in the province of Aurora, which is in fact a surplus rice producer. On the contrary, APECO will enhance food security and promote yearlong agriculture production through modern agriculture practices, aquaculture technologies and the improvement of skills of farmers and fishermen,” said Fernando.

Currently, Aurora exports half of its total rice production to other provinces. The rice production within the ecozone is too small to affect the whole province’s food security.

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