The richest man in the valley

I love this story which I discovered from the Internet many years ago. It’s authorship is unknown to me. It’s entitled, “The Richest Man in the Valley.”

Let me share it with you.

A rich landowner named Carl often rode around his vast estate so he could congratulate himself on his great wealth. One day, while riding around his estate on his favorite horse, he saw Hans, an old tenant farmer. Hans was sitting under a tree when Carl rode by.

Hans said, “I was just thanking God for my food.”

Carl complained, “If that’s all I had to eat, I wouldn’t feel like giving thanks!”

But Hans replied, “God has given me everything I need, and I am thankful for it.”

The old farmer added, “It’s strange you should come by today because I had a dream last night. In my dream a voice told me, ‘The richest man in the valley will die tonight.’ I don’t know what it means, but I thought I ought to tell you.”

Carl snorted, “Dreams are nonsense,” and galloped away. But he could not forget the old farmer’s words: “The richest man in the valley will die tonight.”

He was obviously the richest man in the valley. And so he invited his doctor to his house that evening. Carl relayed to the doctor what Hans had told him earlier. After a thorough examination, the doctor told the wealthy landowner, “Carl, you are as strong and healthy as a horse. There is no way you are going to die tonight.”

Nevertheless, for assurance, the doctor stayed with Carl, and they played cards through the night. The doctor left the next morning, and Carl apologized for becoming so upset over the old man’s dream. At about nine o’clock, a messenger arrived at Carl’s door.

“What is it?” Carl demanded.

The messenger reported, “It’s about old Hans. He died last night in his sleep.”

So who is the truly wealthy person?

I guess the next question I have to ask you is: Are you truly wealthy?

I know many people who are greedy. Some are even open and honest about their greed. I remember one gentleman asked me, “You know, Francis, why we are not as wealthy as the super millionaires out there?” “Why, sir?” I asked. With all seriousness in his eyes, he looked at me sternly and said, “Because we are not greedy enough.”

Whoa! I have never heard another say something like that, but at least he was honest. The closest who comes to being that honest would probably be Gordon Gekko from the movie “Wall Street.” He popularized the famous chant of the 80’s: “Greed is good!” He eventually ended up in jail.

But the worst kind of greedy people is the kind who schemes, plans, and deceives, then insists that, “It’s not the money, but the principle behind it.” Yeah right. Must be the principle of greed, that’s what. Meanwhile, they rob you blind.

I have seen the greedy falling, and I have seen them fallen. And I have also seen the generous blessed. God does not sleep. The scheming, greedy people, when given enough rope, will hang themselves. Because they have forgotten that greed may get them what they want, but it will certainly rob them of what they already have.

As for us, we have to make sure that our riches and wealth would go beyond this life and the boundaries of this decaying planet. When our riches are in our intimacy with Christ, then our investment is safe. When our riches are in Christ, our relationship with loved ones becomes strong, we have peace in our heart, and we have confidence in facing people because we are as real as we can be. This for me is what true riches are all about.

(Develop your leadership skills! Francis Kong will be the lead trainer for the Dr. John Maxwell’s “Developing the Leader Within You” leadership program this August 26-27 at the EDSA Shangrila-Hotel. For further inquiries, contact Inspire Leadership Consultancy Inc. at 632-6872614 or 09178511115.)

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