DA needs bigger funding for RP rice-sufficiency program

MANILA, Philippines – The Department of Agriculture (DA) needs more than P20 billion for its rice program next year if the country is to attain rice self-sufficiency in three years.

However, the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) is asking all agencies to trim their budgets so the government can meet its deficit targets.

Agriculture Secretary Proceso Alcala said the DBM wants the DA to allocate only P12 billion for its rice program.

Agriculture Undersecretary Joel Rudinas said there is a need to plant more areas to rice if the country aims to attain rice self-sufficiency.

A budget of P12 billion “is not enough,” Rudinas said, adding that a minimum of P12 billion is needed including an allocation for irrigation.

Alcala pointed out that increasing the country’s total rice harvest is directly proportioned to the area under irrigation. He said they will try their best to make do with the smaller hoping this would somehow bring them closer to their goal.

Alcala also cited the need to reduce the 10 percent to 15 percent losses caused by the lack of post-harvest facilities, particularly dryers. He said farmers need more dryers so they can fully dry their palay harvest, allowing them to store the grains longer.

Ideally, the new DA chief said, post-harvest losses should be brought down to just five percent.

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