Green industry conference opens at PICC tomorrow

MANILA, Philippines - The International Conference on Green Industry in Asia will open tomorrow, Sept. 9 up to Sept. 11, 2009 at the Philippine International Convention Center in Manila.

Environment and Natural Resources Secretary Lito Atienza said President Arroyo expressed full support to the government hosting of the conference by issuing Administrative Order No. 256, designating the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) as the lead agency, in partnership with the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), the UN Environmental Programme (UNEP) and the UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia Pacific (UNESCAP).

Anchored on the theme, “Managing the Transition to Resource- efficient and

Low-carbon Industries,” Atienza said that the conference serves as a platform for industry leaders, economics experts, ecologists, and governments to exchange information and experiences on how Asian countries can achieve a smooth transition to resource-efficient and low-carbon economy.

Reports indicate that the rapid growth in Asia has lifted millions of people out of poverty. But, at the same time, it has led to steep increases in the region’s consumption of energy, water and other raw materials. This, in turn, contributed to the continued depletion of natural resources in various parts of Asia, environmental degradation and increased emission of greenhouse gases, thereby putting at risk the region’s social and economic gains.

According to Atienza, the demand for countries to shift to more resource-efficient and low-carbon production processes become seven more urgent in light of the global concerns for climate change and natural resources depletion. Thus, UNEP launched its “green economy” initiative while the UNESCAP called for a “green growth” strategy

To complement these approaches, UNIDO launched its “Green Industry” initiative to promote patterns of industrial development that are economically, environmentally and socially sustainable.

Atienza said d i s c u s s i o n s during the threeday event will center on policies and strategies for resource-efficient and low-carbon industries, regulatory and institutional framework, as well as support services required by industry to shift to more sustainable patterns of production, and new o p p o r t u n i t i e s created by the shift and how countries in the region can best benefit from such opportunities.

Atienza revealed that among the conference highlights is the adoption of the Manila Declaration on Green Industry and Plan of Action that will feature a mechanism for the regular review of progress towards resource-efficient and low-carbon industries in the region. The signed Manila Declaration will be presented by Atienza to President Arroyo when she graces the event on Sept. 11, 2009 to deliver the keynote address.

Atienza added that other activities include high-level interactive sessions, technical sessions, as well as four side-events dealing on Clean D e v e l o p m e n t Mechanism under the Kyoto Protocol Environment and Poverty Times, Greening the Tourism Industry, the Next Generation Biofuels and the Greening of the Industry under the Montreal Protocol.

Around 700 participants, including ministers and senior officials of 25 Asian countries, business leaders, top officials of the UN system, other international and regional organizations, the ASEAN secretariat, prominent experts, civil society representatives and media, are expected to attend.

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