Entrepreneurship forum opens tomorrow

MANILA, Philippines - In a bid to promote entrepreneurship and business sense to the youth, the Xavier University School of Business and Management Student Council (XU-SBMSC) will hold the Young Entrepreneurs’ Summit (YES) tomorrow in Cagayan de Oro City.

SBMSC president Deanna Roquia and the event is being done in cooperation with the Movement for Better Values which has been a big help to them.

About 500 students from XU and other schools in CDO are expected to attend the summit which features Sen. Manny B. Villar as the keynote speaker.

Chairman of the Movement Jun Villacorta said their support to the XU-SBM Student Council is a complementary activity to what their organization is promoting.

The Movement for Better Values is an advocacy volunteer organization that encourages youthful entrepreneurs to participate in various fora on entrepreneurship and development and business clinics for small and medium enterprises. It generally encourages the young antrants to the labor market to consider entrepreneurship as a means for livelihood.

Other speakers are Bobby Ansaldo who will discuss social marketing; Bong Buot of RBJ Comtrex, a pharma distribution company; Susan Khio, a former medical representative turned fastfood operator; Michael Ho, a student-entrepreneur who is into event organizing; and Jun Tagud, chairman and CEO of Negros Navigation.

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