Lanao governor pushes environmental education

MANILA, Philippines – Lanao del Sur Gov. Mamintal “ Bombit” Adiong Jr. is urging residents of his province to be concerned and to learn how to conserve and utilize the environment in a sustainable manner for the benefit of present and future generations.

“We are blessed with cool climate and rich environment. We have the Lake Lanao and the typhoon-free geographical environs. We really unite for this cause” he said.

The Adiong administration is committed on environmental issues such as solid waste management, reforestration, and protection and conservation of Lake Lanao.

They provide different groups of people as well as graduates in a variety of professional fields with the knowledge needed to develop a sense of responsibility towards the environment and the rational utilization of its riches. This education should inculcate competencies needed for the solution of environmental problems and foster the highest cultural level of human’s productive activity.

“We will play as environmental educators – being a role models to learners in ensuring acceptable environmental standards. We show regard and acts for the environment take the lead and the learners follow,” Raifa Adiong – the indefatigable first lady of Lanao adds.

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