TransCo, Napocor assure stable power for b’gay polls

The National Transmission Corp. (TransCo) and National Power Corp. (Napocor)  have undertaken the necessary preparations to provide adequate and stable power supply during the barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan elections on Oct. 29, officials of the state-run power firms said.

“Reliable electricity is essential to help ensure the integrity of the entire election process so we have to be even more vigilant during this electoral exercise,” TransCo president Arthur N. Aguilar said.

Energy Secretary Angelo T. Reyes had earlier directed TransCo, Napocor and other government-owned energy agencies to provide uninterrupted power services on the day before and on election day until the conclusion of the counting and canvassing of the election returns and proclamation of the winning candidates.

To ensure that transmission line-related power interruptions would be immediately acted upon, TransCo has designated its vice presidents as officers-of-the-day from Oct.  27 to Oct. 29.

TransCo has also suspended all maintenance works on transmission lines and substations from Oct. 27 to 31 to ensure their availability during this period.

Meanwhile, Napocor said the country will have more than enough power supply during the election period.

The forecast  power supply for Metro Manila and the rest of Luzon is placed at 6,750 megawatts (MW) on election day, as against the projected peak demand of 5,300 MW.

In the Visayas and Mindanao, available power supply is also projected to be more than enough to meet power demand.

The power supply situation will likewise be more than adequate during the days immediately following the elections, with total supply in the Luzon grid projected at 7,085 MW on Oct. 30 and 31. This will ensure that the subsequent counting of votes will likewise be brownout-free.

For the extended Halloween weekend, the available supply in the grid will hover at 6,550 MW on Nov. 1, All Saints’ Day, and will be even higher at 6,700 MW and 6,750 MW on Nov. 2 and 3, respectively.

Uninterruptible power supply (UPS) units in TransCo’s area control centers as well as emergency diesel generators, station batteries and air compressor systems in all substations nationwide have been tested for reliability.

In the unlikely event of major power interruptions, TransCo’s area control centers nationwide are also prepared to undertake immediate “islanding operations” or power restoration activities independent of each other.

TransCo’s backup communication systems have also been tested to ensure reliable communication from regional control centers to area control centers; control centers to power plants; control centers to substations; and control centers to transmission line crews. Telephone hotlines linking TransCo’s control centers with Meralco have been tested for reliability.

TransCo and Napocor have also made arrangements for the deployment of back-up personnel in power plants and substations, telecommunications facilities, and area control centers to respond quickly in case of emergencies.

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