Family thief

A family friend told Spybiz that this "de buena familia" wealthy, landed family is being victimized allegedly by one of the siblings. Precious paintings by Filipino masters like Amorsolo and Hidalgo, as well as antique family heirlooms, are reportedly being sold off left and right by this sibling — much to the detriment of the family matriarch who unfortunately has the beginnings of Alzheimer’s disease. Sources close to the family said that because of this family thief, the mother can’t even afford to pay for the driver, the maids and a nurse. This family was known to be among the wealthy, landed rich of Iloilo and the late well-known patriarch used to own the present residence of the US Ambassador in North Forbes. Aside from the paintings and heirlooms, this sibling has allegedly been forging papers to dispose of a number of family properties, and the hapless other siblings don’t even know where the money is going. The poor mother is too sick to realize what has been happening, and the other family members are apparently too timid to file criminal charges against this audacious person. Sources disclosed that this family member used to work as a staff assistant of Sen. Ed Angara and is said to be very tricky, even managing to borrow P10 million from the good senator. Unfortunately for the senator, this sibling has not paid the P10 million — money he could very well use for his reelection.
Palau — playground for the rich 
Eye-Spies reported that this flamboyant congressman son of a banana magnate from Mindanao was spotted in Palau with actress Amy Perez. According to Spybiz sources, this solon, who has been estranged from his former beauty queen wife, has been to Palau many times with different women. Palau is fast becoming the "in" place for the Filipino rich and famous, especially so when Asian Spirit started flying regularly to this exotic island nation in April this year. According to Asian Spirit chairman Noel Oñate, Palau is getting a reputation as a great place to have fun. In fact, the island became a byword internationally when it became the venue for the 10th installment of the hit reality based show Survivor. Incidentally, many ambassadors assigned to the Philippines are also accredited to the Republic of Palau, like US Ambassador Kristie Kenney and British Ambassador Peter Beckingham.
New feather in his CAP 
Former Justice Secretary and solicitor general Silvestre Bello III was recently elected as independent director of the College Assurance Plan, Phil. Inc. (CAP), Comprehensive Annuity Plans and Pension Corp. (CAPPension) and CAP Life Insurance Corp. or CAPLife. This was announced by former Ambassador and CAP chairman Raul Goco. Bello, a native of Gattaran in Cagayan, is currently the general manager and CEO of the Philippine Reclamation Authority, and was the president and CEO of the PNOC-Development and Management Corp. This new appointment is the latest feather in Bello’s cap, who started working with government as Undersecretary of Justice in 1986 then as Justice Secretary in July 1990. In 1993, he joined the GRP Peace Panel as member and later as chairman in 2001 to 2004 for talks with the CPP-NPA-NDF. He served as solicitor general in 1996 and was appointed as secretary of justice again in 1998.
Spy tidbiz: Business keeps breathing at the Lung Center 
Business at the Sunday tiangge (flea market), located at the Lung Center near the Quezon Memorial Circle, continues to thrive, judging from the number of vehicles parked inside the compound. Even non-QC residents have been flocking to the area for fresh fruits, flowers, vegetables, meat, fish, bags, trinkets, mats and what have you. It’s not unusual to see couples with a baby in a stroller, touring the tents for cookies, food, shirts, household items and just about anything that may catch their fancy. The place is living and breathing proof that small scale businesses can thrive in this country with a supportive and innovative local government — exactly what Quezon City residents feel with Mayor Sonny Belmonte who has made the Circle bustle with activity. Here’s a tip for first-timers to the Lung Center tiangge though: Go early and bring a grocery cart if you can, because you just might find yourself buying more than you planned.
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