Honky-tonk Alabanger

A Spybiz Eye-Spy witnessed how a 56-year-old housewife was harassed by an arrogant and power tripping Ayala Alabang Village (AAV) homeowner. According to the Eye-Spy, the housewife was driving towards the entrance to the village when she happened to be in the wrong lane. A man driving a Starex van with plate number AVY 333 who was apparently an Alabang resident cut her off and instinctively, she "honked" her horn. The man waited for the housewife to get into the village and had the guards stop her, detaining her in her car for close to an hour. This poor woman was so terrified by the commotion and asked herself, "Where does this man want to take this?" The Alabang resident looked at her with dagger eyes and condescendingly with a chauvinist attitude. Luckily, the terrified housewife had the presence of mind to call her host – Mrs. Maricar Reyes, whom she was having lunch with that day. Mrs. Reyes immediately called the Alabang Village Association to rescue her. This power-tripping male chauvinist displayed an ill-mannered, arrogant behavior which gives the village a bad name, especially since they boast of having people like former president Fidel Ramos as one of its prominent residents. We thought all along illegal detention had long been gone with Martial Law. Perhaps this housewife should file a case of illegal detention against this arrogant, honky-tonk Alabanger.
What’s the deal with Nicphil?
Insurance Commissioner Ben Santos met with agents of Nicphil Insurance Co. to advise them that an IC task force had been formed to look into the problems of the company regarding the staggering P250,000 salary of the government-appointed conservator. The agents also asked why the commissioner allowed the ailing company to go through a 90-day temporary closure for the ailing company, Santos could not give a convincing answer. While the Nicphil directors continue to squabble, it is the agents who are suffering in the process because they could not collect their commissions primarily because of the staggering salary being paid to the conservator.
Another man in conflict
Feisty Makati Business Club (MBC) member and Philippine Stock Exchange board director Vivian Yuchengco is questioning the participation of MBC executive director Bill Luz in the Black and White Movement (BWM) because it could be misconstrued as an endorsement by the MBC. In a letter addressed to MBC chair Dick Romulo, Vivian pointed out that Luz rose to prominence only when he became MBC spokesman and executive director, and prior to that, he was a relative "unknown." Rather than defending or justifying the presence of Luz in the BWM, Vivian urged Romulo to rein in the former’s activities that might put the MBC in a bad light. Members have the right to expect their board to be "circumspect" regarding important and controversial matters, and if Bill Luz wants to continue to express his personal opinions publicly, then he should either be removed as MBC spokesman or simply resign so as not to compromise the MBC in any way, she stressed. This seems to be another case of a man in conflict.
Spy tidbiz: DFA to withdraw nomination of Doronila
Our DFA Eye-Spy reported that the nomination of newspaper columnist Amando Doronila as Ambassador to Belgium may be withdrawn by the Department of Foreign Affairs. If one can recall, he had difficulty answering questions in a previous Commission on Appointments confirmation hearing. Sen. Biazon had earlier expressed apprehension over the health and age of Doronila, while Sen. Miriam Santiago said Doronila was perceived to lack the necessary expertise for the post. Sen. Serge Osmeña was apparently unimpressed with the writing prowess of the journalist, calling him a "square peg in a round hole" because of his lack of knowledge on European-Philippine trade relations. Doronila’s appointment is allegedly being pushed by a former high-ranking DFA official who was forced to resign, and perhaps he should be blamed for putting the 77-year-old journalist on the spot. If ambassadorial posts are going to be used to pay off debts, at the very least, they should recommend qualified people.
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