After a hiatus of a year

It’s been a year since the business and lifestyle show, BUSINESS AND LEISURE was last seen on the air. It was on the boob tube for some 12 years, and we had developed a lot of faithful viewers in all that time. Aside from businessmen who followed certain issues we tackled in the editorial portion of the show, we found that several of our viewers looked forward to PLACES where we featured new destinations and new finds such as restaurants, resorts, little-known parks and other out-of-town hideaways with their treasures waiting to be discovered, It became a sort of guessing game for these viewers who wondered when the show would get to discover that wonderful place they themselves discovered with the help of some friends and show it it in vibrant colors on national television.

Well, the show is back. It’s still called BUSINESS AND LEISURE — why knock it when it ain’t broke? We still aim to be a friend of businessmen who want to be in on the latest issues in the business circles, issues that may affect their own business or the industry they represent, or issues that we as Filipinos would want to know for the effects that these could have on our economy and, filtering down, on our own families as well. But we spiced up the show a bit more — we now have the diplomats’ own little corner. Here is where we introduce the different countries’ ambassadors and consuls via a short, lively tete-a-tete. These chats, while serving to know more about the diplomats, can also serve as venue for information which their countries’ trade and commerce section, or even their tourism counterpart, wish to impart to our people. What are the business opportunities, big or small that may interest our importers or exporters? What job opportunities lie in wait, or what travel promos are there now in tie-up with their national carriers? What are the new destinations that are not as famous but just as rewarding for inveterate travelers or first-time vacationers? There is a wealth of information to be tapped from our friendly visiting diplomats which we can be privy to. These, of course, on top of interviews with the shakers and movers of business, government and the entertainment sectors.

Definitely, the new finds will still be there. Already, we are lining up new restaurants and resorts to feature, and have taped quite a few. The crew now looks forward again to more out-of town sorties in search of new destinations for you, dear viewers.

Other features include corporate and product launches for our viewers to find out the new comers in the industry, fashion trending with interviews with major players in the apparel, hair and cosmetic industries, plus peeks into the ramps for the latest in fashion shows. Beauty is a pretty big consideration in the leisure portion, and we will have the movers in the cosmetic enhancement scene sharing the latest with us. DR. JIM SANCHEZ, a respected name in the field of cosmetic surgery, has done an exhaustive, comprehensive interview for the show. DR. JIM’s group is behind the MD EASTWOOD, a one-stop shop for dermatological, cosmetic, pediatric, dental, surgical and general well-being needs with complete hospital facilities.

In our maiden telecast is Ms. Narzalina Lim who is now at the helm of the promotions of booming Macau to the world, the Philippines included. The viewers will get to know more about Macau’s history, the secrets to its phenomenal tourism success, its famed fusion cuisine, etc.

We will also be airing from different exciting venues — luxury hotels, first-rate country clubs, restaurants, resorts, as we give you arm-chair tours of these host venues. So keep your Sunday evening dates with the new Business and Leisure on NBN Channel 4.
A Delightful Sunday Treat
January is a month dedicated to renewing contracts for the year, at least in my case, so it’s been one solid month of work, work, and more work. With much of the work behind me now (at least the planning –the execution has eleven months of more work and brain-storming) it was time to get a little R & R. While still at a meeting, I was already dreaming of a nice Sunday lunch with the family. So I texted my wife Baby to get us a reservation at the old Antonio’s (the new Antonio’s is the All-day Breakfast type, so there was no need for reservations). My friend PINKY COLMENARES graciously gave us the number of Agnes the wife of Antonio as she was friends with the owners, both hailing from the South. Baby had to get thru to the gods as the place was full and we couldn’t be accommodated..

Sundays normally find us lounging in bed till about 12 noon, when we would be forced to haul ourselves out of bed to catch a late (as in 2 p.m.) lunch, or the restaurants will close on us. So Baby had to rouse us out of bed, and out of the house by 12 noon to catch our reservation at 1 p.m.

The sacrifice(?) was well worth it. The old and original Antonio’s in Tagaytay is in an old, very charming house renovated into a fine dining restaurant. The servers are well-trained — the waiters are very knowledgeable about the menu, and the girls were unobtrusive as they served the complimentary warm crusty bread and pesto/garlic butter in their crisp blue uniforms with white aprons. This is definitely not a cheap place, and it is admittedly out of the way, but the place was full with long tables of families out for a wonderful Sunday treat. Does that say much for the place?

Now for the choices. It always takes us a full 10 minutes to make up our minds on what to order. Daughter Tin always seems to be undecided, while son Ray Louis‘s carnivorous nature always comes to fore in moments like this. So Tin and Wee ended up sharing the Angus Rib Eye which was good for two and came as a complete meal — the salad of fresh garden greens featured the different members of the lettuce family like Lolla lettuce, etc., and I could taste the nutty arugula in the colorful greens. This came with the sweetish raspberry dressing which all respectable restaurants now have. By the way, all the entrees were served as complete meals, with soup, dessert and fresh brews of coffee or tea. Tea was served in a charming glass pot with fresh herbs in the center tube in the pot. Very nice.

Being a carnivore all my life, I now have to pay my dues to the animal kingdom and gingerly make my way into the other side of the fence. Vegetables should be the better choice, but I settled for the sole which promised to be interesting. It came in a pair, two modest-sized pan-fried pieces with a little sauce. A little light for my huge appetite, but my palate was happy anyway.

Baby’s order came late, but it was the best-looking of them all. She ordered the pig’s knuckles, its skin fried crisp, its meat and knuckles chewy and soft, and it came with sauerkraut and a very creamy side dish of mashed potatoes that had a hint of roasted garlic in it. I don’t know why, but she always has the knack of ordering the best choices when we dine out. She ended up sharing the big piece with all us. Of course, the angus rib eye did not disappoint, and my sole was just as good, but this was something else. We just had to have a piece of it.

Dessert was a choice between warm apple pie with a dollop of vanilla ice cream, or flourless chocolate cake, and a third choice which escapes me now because we all settled for these two choices. Sadly, we had no more room for dessert, so we couldn’t finish them off And, oh yes, the house gave us complimentary sorbet to cleanse the palate before we polished off the main course. Thank you very much.

Another wonderful treat in Tagaytay, and another wonderful Sunday for the family. Sated, we were all fast asleep in the car on the way home from Tagaytay.

Mabuhay!!! Be proud to be a Filipino!!!

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