10 IPPs vow to energize 1,968 barangays

The Department of Energy (DOE) has reported that 10 independent power producers (IPPs) have committed to electrify 1,968 barangays in the country.

Of the 10 IPPs, Mirant Philippines, the country’s largest private power producer, has committed to light up the most number of barangays with 1,500 under the DOE’s rural electrification program.

To date, Mirant has already electrified 1,000 barangays. The remaining 300 barangays are expected to be given electricity within the year and another 200 barangays by next year.

KEPCO Philippines Corp., a subsidiary of Korea Electric Power Co. (KEPCO), has committed to electrify 200 barangays (151 by 2004 and 49 by 2005).

KEPCO Ilijan Corp., another power arm of KEPCO group, has already provided electricity to 60 barangays during the period 2001-2002.

For the period 2002-2003, publicly-listed Salcon Power Corp. has electrified 30 barangays.

Toledo Power Corp., a power facility being run by Mirant, has provided electricity to 10 barangays for the past two years or for the period 2002-2004.

This year, Luzon Hydro Power Corp. provided electricity to four of its seven committed barangays under the electrification program.

San Roque Power Corp. is targeting to electrify 26 sitios within the area where its power plant is located by 2005.

California Energy Inc., on the other hand, has committed to provide electricity to 101 barangays. It plans to start its electrification program by lighting up initial 26 barangays next year.

Power One and State Power Corp. plan to provide electricity to 50 sitios and 50 barangays, respectively. Based on the DOE data, the two IPPs have no commitment yet as to the schedule of their electrification program.

Of the P6.9 billion budget for barangay electrification program for the period 2004-2008 of the DOE, P926 million will come from the IPPs or from private funds.

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