ABI beer sales surge 40% in first quarter

Buoyed by increased demand, enhanced distribution and reasonably-priced, high-quality beer products, Asia Brewery, Inc. (ABI) posted hefty gains in its beer sales during the first quarter of 2004.

A performance report released by the company showed that ABI’s sales volume during the first three months of 2004 surged to nearly eight million cases or an increase of almost 40 percent compared to the same period last year. The significant growth was mainly driven by an 80-percent jump in the sales of Colt 45, ABI’s premium strong beer, and a 25-percent uptick in the sales volume of Beer na Beer, the firm’s flagship brand.

Metro-Manila registered the biggest growth with a whopping 88 percent upsurge in beer sales for first quarter, followed by Mindanao, 30 percent; Visayas, 28 percent; and Luzon, 26 percent, the company said in a statement.

ABI attributes the spectacular growth in beer sales volume to creative marketing as well as the introduction of new beer products. These include Lone Star Light; Lone Star Ultra, the country’s first low carbohydrate light beer; and Colt Ice, a super-chilled, slow-brewed and ice-filtered strong beer. These new brands are fast gaining popularity and acceptance especially among young urbanites. Aggressive distribution strategies also enabled ABI to penetrate more outlets, especially in areas where beer drinkers demand value for money. "ABI knows that its greatest strength lies in its ability to provide high-quality products at reasonable prices. That’s why we are exerting every effort to reach out to the increasingly sophisticated beer market by giving them only the best, affordable beer products," the firm stressed.

Catering to the highly-diversified consumer taste, ABI’s new beer products target young, upper and middle-income beer drinkers who are quality conscious and are willing to try new and contemporary beer brands.

Established in 1982, ABI is the second largest brewer and bottled water maker in the Philippines. Its other brands include Carlsberg, Manila Beer, Stag, Absolute Distilled and Summit Natural Drinking Water.

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