Customs creates new unit to oversee vehicle importation

The Bureau of Customs has tightened its watch on vehicle importation with the overhaul of the Warrant and Motor Vehicle Unit (WMVU) into a new division, the Vehicle Importation Compliance Monitoring Unit (VICMU).

Customs Commissioner Antonio Bernardo said the creation of the VICMU is aimed at streamlining the process of vehicle importation and complement the establishment of the Post Entry Audit Group under his office.

The VICMU, according to Bernardo, will establish a databank on motor vehicle valuation and help prepare the importers and brokers of motor vehicles and component parts for the post entry audit.

Under Customs Memorandum Order No. 15-2003, the new unit will have the following powers and functions:

1. Conduct a focused monitoring of the entry, processing and release of imported vehicles, including but not limited to motorcycles, engines and chasis.

2. Coordinate with other government agencies in effectively ensuring that imported vehicles shall, prior to their release from the customs zones, have passed or complied with the requirements of the Tariff and Customs Code and other related laws.

3. Conduct joint examination of imported vehicles with concerned appraisers and examiners to ensure compliance of all requirements on motor vehicle importation.

4. Cause the review/reassessment by the originating port/unit whenever the valuation appraisal appears to be non-compliant with existing rules and regulations.

5. Recommend the issuance and effect the service of warrants of seizure and detention against imported vehicles when warranted.

6. Transmit all the certificates of payments (CPs) to the Land Transportation Office (LTO).

7. Develop a database on the valuation of all imported vehicles that shall serve as reference values and inputs to the Value Reference Information System (VRIS).

8. Submit to the office of the commissioner periodic reports on all vehicle importations, and perform such other functions as may be directed by the commissioner.

Bernardo also said that all certificates of payments shall cover only one unit of vehicle or component part, and that the VICMU shall, upon receipt of the CPs, cause the transmittal of the same to the LTO.

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