We have enough power — Napocor

State-owned National Power Corp. (Napocor) has assured that there will be more than enough supply of electricity during the Holy week.

Napocor president Rogelio M. Murga said the power firm has instituted measures to ensure that there would be reliable supply of electricity not only for the declared holidays but also throughout the summer months.

Murga said the Napocor is committed to deliver hassle-free electricity service for the Holy week.

"We want to assure that there will be no power interruptions during the long holidays so as not to spoil the days of rest, recreation and contemplation of the public. This commitment holds true for the summer months when historically there is increased demand for power," Napocor said.

For the Holy week, demand is seen to reach a high of 5,200 megawatt (MW) against available supply of 7,645 MW.

The Napocor chief said except for unforeseen technical failure, power supply is expected to remain stable as public holidays are characterized by lower power demand as large power-intensive industries halt operations or reduce working hours.

He said the Napocor would work closely with the system operations group of the National Transmission Corp. (Transco) for smooth operations during the holidays.

Meanwhile, Napocor said that the rehabilitation of the Tiwi and Makban geothermal power facilities is going on as scheduled and is expected to be completed next year.

Napocor vice president for technical maintenance services Danilo S. Sedilla made the assurance amid reports that the rehabilitation of the two plants has been encountering delays.

Sedilla said the plant uprating project, funded by the Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC), has been granted approval by the NEDA board as early as last year.

"We are committed fully to finish the repair of the plants by next year,"Sedilla said.

The Napocor official said additional repair work on top of what has been approved earlier is being proposed to complete the rehabilitation. It is now under evaluation by management.

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