RP remains attractive to Japanese firms - JETRO

Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) chairman and chief executive officer Osamu Watanabe said yesterday the Philippines remains attractive to Japanese investors despite the emergence of China as an alternative investment site.

In a press conference marking the opening of the JETRO Business Support Center in the Philippines, Watanabe said there are a number of Japanese small and medium enterprises (SMEs) interested in investing in the Philippines.

"Particulary, the Japanese SMEs are interested in such areas as information technology, software development, call centers and outsourcing and automotive parts manufacturing," Watanabe said.

According to Watanabe while some Japanese firms have decided to relocate from Singapore and Korea to China, Japanese firms in the Philippines have indicated no such desire and are staying put in the Philippines.

However, Watanabe urges the government to continue to address certain concerns of Japanese investors.

These include certain political and social issues which include peace and order, political stability and labor militancy.

To help promote Japanese investments and trade between the Philippines and Japan, JETRO has put up a Business Support Center in the Philippines.

Together with JETRO, various Philippine agencies will also provide support to interested Japanese companies and investors.

Some of the assistance to be given by the local agencies to the center include visa issuance, registration, approval of new business operations, information on preferential measures and market and industry information.

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