Fonacier pushes RP reorganization

Internal Revenue Commissioner Dakila Fonacier will push for the continuing reorganization of the bureau to enable it to effectively perform its regulatory functions.

In a speech before the Tax Management Association of the Philippines, Fonacier said it is essential that the reorganization of the bureau's structure be focused on three principal functions namely: collection, assessment and enforcement.

He also cited the need for the bureau to redefine its structure in such a way that it will enable it to focus on excise tax administration and exercise greater administrative control over the country's large taxpayers.

Fonacier admitted, though, that this reorganization scheme is not easy to implement due to budgetary constraints.

However, he said, these are all part of the growing pains that come with the introduction of anything different or innovative.

The BIR chief assured that they would try to address the TMAP's concern for revenue regulations to be consolidated to eliminate conflicting rules and to provide the taxpaying public with a single official source of rules in the implementation of tax laws.

It has been observed that once the BIR head office releases a ruling, the regional district offices (RDOs) sometimes have different interpretations of such a regulation leading to public confusion.

Fonacier said they will study the possibility of coming up with complete rules and regulations and full dissemination of such new rulings.

Along this line, he said they are also considering the suggestion of TMAP for BIR to come up with an official edition of the Tax Code to be provided to the general public, at a minimal cost. "We are studying this option, and I hope to have some good news for you in due time," he said.

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