Remembering Proclamation 1081

Fifty years ago, the country was placed under the strictest rule. It sought to instill discipline in a seemingly chaotic society. However, enforcement turned into abuse of power and the small glimmer of democracy that the Filipinos had was gone. It became a huge joke for those watching us from outside. From the facade we were told it was a golden era, filled with projects and infrastructure. Little did we know that it was all a front.

These aren’t lies or allegations. Several courts have proven that the projects entered into by the Marcoses during martial law had anomalies. They were asked to return all their ill-gotten wealth which were traced to be people's money. Some taxes have not yet been paid and the victims of the wrongdoings at the time are also clamoring for accountability.

Even I, who was born in the advent of the new democracy, didn’t really get a clear picture of martial law until I was of legal age. It was only then when I was exposed to documentaries, publications, and testimonies of people who survived that era. Their stories are pure and genuine with no hint of falsehood. Every time I hear what they went through, I couldn't help but cringe a little at the inhumane acts that were done.

However, the truth today becomes relative. Because of the proliferation of fake news that could be accessed by an individual, the real events have become obsolete. Others regard them as fake and made-up. The failure of the presidency which was once dominated by the Liberal Party made Filipinos lose trust in them and give in to false narratives. Producers banked on this vulnerability so they could capture the audience, engage them, and make them fall in love with their preferred leaders.

Fifty years later, here we are and still grappling to disseminate the truth. When one becomes too passionate about it, the authorities almost always sweep in to red tag. The tables turn and good becomes evil, and vice-versa. It’s unknown how long this will last. Maybe until those in power get what they want, or even never.

Proclamation 1081 should have opened our eyes to the reality that we were enslaved by martial law rule. We lost a lot of fundamental rights and we cannot afford to lose them again. This is not to discredit even the current president who is the son of the dictator. It is more than that by now. What is important is that we find the rage within to resist whatever entity will try to force its laws on us.

In 1986, the regime ended and the people's power reigned supreme. Images of real unity were seen in the streets. Should there be an example of how to love, that was the perfect image.

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