Bike lanes in place. How about the sidewalks?

One of the problems that we have in the Metro is how people walk on the streets instead of sidewalks. Going to and from work or school, they find it more convenient to walk on the streets as it’s generally free of obstruction. In many cases, the sidewalk space is too narrow for the human traffic it serves. Some areas of sidewalks are used as parking spaces by establishments, limiting the volume of people they can cater to.

Not using the sidewalks may be quicker and to some point, more convenient, but it greatly compromises the safety of the pedestrians. It is hard to believe that past lawmakers and decision makers of Metro Cebu fail to give importance to this area of development. One of the most important considerations in developing a Metropolis is the presence of safe and convenient means of mobility. Allow the sidewalks to give the people a reason to walk instead of hopping on a jeepney or taking a taxi. Here are 3 glaring reasons why people seldom use sidewalks.

Narrow sidewalk or the absence of it

When we took up urban planning in Architecture, we were taught that the designated space for the sidewalk has no exact standard and that it depends on the volume of people it caters. This is the primary consideration in designing public pathways. This is not the case for the cities of Cebu. Take for example Pope John Paul Ave. (formerly San Jose de la Monta?a Ave.) From the gasoline station in the corner of Gov.Cuenco Avenue, the sidewalks seem okay, 2 meters wide on both sides of the road.  But you go down further and you see the sidewalk narrows to as much as 60cm because of either right of way issues or obstructions.

Sidewalks with limited space are more likely not to be prioritized by people. Most people will almost always use the streets. Apart from the fact that it’s convenient, social distancing is more manageable compared to using the sidewalk. This is one of the urban issues that should been provided with a solution in the early part of the developing Metropolis.


Instead of being able to pass through smoothly, vehicles are parked on the sidewalks. Being able to dominate the sidewalk limits the space where people can pass through. Spaces designated for vendors in some areas dominate the sidewalks and limits the space for pedestrians. This may seem like a small issue for others but it constitutes largely to why people choose not to walk on sidewalks.

Another less popular but one of the best examples of sidewalk obstruction are utility posts and water meters that are placed in wrong positions with poor planning. With the limited space provided for sidewalks, these utility posts should be placed where sidewalks can be maximized. Some trees also pose as obstruction. I am for the unmindful cutting of trees, but some have to be taken done in sacrifice of proper development. Again, it all boils down to good Urban Planning.


Proper lighting for our sidewalks is as important as its space. Good sidewalk lighting maximizes the utilization of the area.  Poor lighting, apart from the fact that it compromises safety, also jeopardizes security.

In a nutshell, sidewalks should be friendly for people for them to consider walking instead of using the street or public transportation. Moreover, a highly utilized sidewalk will constitute to less vehicular traffic and a healthier lifestyle for our constituents.

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