DILG-8 warns elected officials of using their employees in political campaigns

TACLOBAN CITY, Philippines — Interior and Local Government Regional Director Pedro Noval reiterated his warning to the elected officials to avoid using their employees in any political campaign.

Noval said the Civil Service Commission had already issued an advisory to all elected officials, now running in the elections, to refrain from involving their local government employees during the campaign or related activities during the election period, or the latter would violate civil service rules and regulations.

According to Section 93 of the Local Government Code of the Philipppines: no local official or employee in the civil service shall "engage directly or indirectly in any partisan political activity or take part in any election, initiative, referendum, plebiscite, or recall, except to vote, nor shall he use his official authority or influence to cause the performance of any political activity by any person or body."

Noval said, “DILG Secretary Mel Sarmiento has already issued a memorandum reminding the employees and the local officials to observe civil service rules and whatever issuances related to the conduct of the May elections this coming May.

The reminder was reiterated by Noval after he received reports that mayors and other local officials have taken advantage of their employees in some political activities.

"Hindi nila gagamitin ang mga empleyado para hindi masangkot sa mga kaso to be filed against their employees. Kawawa naman sila at dapat din hindi sila magpa-ingganyo," Noval added.

CSC-8 Regional director Marivic Besmer, in a news conference, also warned government employees that anybody of them caught engaging in partisan activities for the coming elections will face administrative charges that may also cause their dismissal from the service.

Besmer clarified that the prohibited acts include forming a group in support of a particular candidate, membership in a political party and helping solicit money and support for or against a candidate. She said this prohibitions are stipulated in Republic Act 2260, or the Civil Service Act of 1959. (FREEMAN)


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