Midday fire razes 11 homes

CEBU, Philippines - A fire around noon yesterday razed a total of 11 houses and displaced 40 families in Sitio Balutan Tangke, Barangay Basak Lapu-Lapu City.

Investigation showed the fire started from the room of Jerry Monar, one of the residents in the area.

According to Fire Officer 3 Teotimo Vallar of Lapu-Lapu City Fire Department, the fire then spread quickly to the neighboring houses as they were made of light materials.

The fire was raised to second alarm and was declared under control three minutes after firefighters arrived. It was officially declared fire out past 1 p.m. yesterday.

While no one was hurt from the incident, Vallar estimated that the cost of damaged properties was around P170,000.

Displaced residents are presently occupying the Barangay Basak Gym as their temporary shelter.

The barangay and city governments handed financial assistance to the victims yesterday, although the amount was not yet confirmed to The FREEMAN. The victims also received relief goods from the barangay.

Vallar said this was the fifth fire to hit Lapu-Lapu City this year.  — Christell Fatima M. Tudtud (FREEMAN)


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