Garcia seeks help to address flooding

A flooded street in downtown Cebu City is causing traffic jam following a heavy downpour Thursday morning, June 13, 2024.
Aldo Nelbert Banaynal

CEBU, Philippines — Cebu City Acting Mayor Raymond Garcia is meeting concerned government agencies today to tackle different measures in anticipation of the effects of La Niña.

Garcia is looking at de-clogging and desilting the city’s drainage system and other waterways, garbage hot spots, and water impounding. The acting mayor has acknowledged that some parts of the city are flooded again, hence the need to speed up things and put up some measures before things get worse.

Garcia is worried that the delay in the Cebu Bus Rapid Transit (CBRT) construction is adding up to the city’s problem with flooding.

Garcia said coordination with different concerned agencies is needed to help out the city’s Department of Engineering and Public Works and the Department of General Services.

“We need the help of everybody, especially the national agencies. Mao bitaw diplomatic atong approach, magtinabangay tang tanan, di ba? So, mao nay atong gibuhat,” Garcia was quoted in a news dispatch from the city’s public information office.

Earlier this week, Garcia also met with the officials of Task Force Gubat sa Baha for its “short-term plans” in anticipation of the La Nin?a. The La Nina is expected to hit in the next two months.

Garcia has ordered to speed up the process in either purchasing or renting declogging machines to help out TFGSB. He is also asking for the people’s cooperation to help the city address flooding by throwing their garbage properly.

“Always be prepared, ilabi na nga it’s rainy season, and then they should also contribute, di sila magpataka og labay sa ilang basura bisan asa lang, kay mao gyud nay maka-clog sa atong drainage and that will really cause also a lot of problems and lots of flooding all over,” Garcia said.

The acting mayor says the city’s drainage system is not perfect especially that in the olden times there was not much of a heavy downpour yet.

“Dili man ni perfect atong sistema diri sa Cebu City labi na nga 1950s pa o ‘60s tingali ang atong drainage system and at that time wa pa man kaayoy grabe nga tubig nga mo-flow, wa kaayoy daghan construction,” Garcia explained.

He vowed to do whatever he can to at least minimize the flooding incidents in the city. — FPL (FREEMAN)

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