Survey: Ahong, Samsam are top performing mayors

CEBU, Philippines — Lapu-Lapu City mayor Junard “Ahong” Chan and Gerald Anthony “Samsam” Gullas Jr. emerged as the top performing mayors in the first quarter of 2024 in the Cebu island.

This is based on the RP-Mission and Development Foundation Incorporated’s Boses ng Bayan survey, an independent evaluation assessing mayoral leadership’s effectiveness.

Chan logged 90.5 percent while Gullas got 90.3 percent.

On the second spot is Toledo Mayor Marjorie “Joei” Perales with 85.7 percent rating and on the third spot is Mayor Valdemar “Val” Chiong of Naga City with 83.2 percent.

Amidst his preventive suspension, Cebu City Mayor Rama also emerged as one of the top-ranked mayors as he landed on the fourth spot with 80.5 percent alongside Mayor Jonas Cortes who got 80.3 percent.

Bogo City’s Mayor Carlo Jose Martinez placed fifth spot with a rating of 78.7 percent; followed hy Carcar City mayor Patrick Barcenas of Carcar City in sixth with 76.4 percent; and Danao City mayor Mix Durano on 7th spot with 75.1 percent.

This survey reportedly shows the governance capabilities of these mayors, which also includes their achievements in various areas, such as city planning, public service delivery, and inclusivity, which are essential in improving the quality of life for residents.

RPMD Executive Director Dr. Paul Martinez highlighted the fluidity of political ratings as elections approach in 2025.

Martinez emphasized that a mayor’s current ratings could either improve or decline based on their responsiveness to the needs of their constituents.

“The strong performance of the top-performing City Mayors in the first quarter of 2024 exemplifies their robust leadership and their responsiveness to the dynamic needs of their communities,” Martinez said. — (FREEMAN)

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