Environmental advocates: Rich people “should do more,” help reduce carbon emission

CEBU, Philippines - The public, both the rich and the poor, should take part in protecting Mother Earth, especially in reducing carbon emission, a forum recently held in Cebu called on.

This is in response to Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si (Praise Be to You): On Care for Our Common Home which calls on the people around the world to act against environmental degradation amid development.

A local non-government organization called on members of the upper class society and corporations that emit more greenhouse gases to mitigate the causes of climate change, such as carbon emission and waste management.

“They must do more than what the poor are doing,” said Paula Godofreda Fernandez, executive director of Pagtambayayong Foundation, Inc.

Fernandez said the blatant effects of climate change have affected the community especially the poor who emit greenhouse gases the least and do more to address the problem.

A public forum on “Cry of the Earth, Cry of the Poor” was organized by Pagtambayayong on October 21 and was attended by urban poor groups, NGOs, environmentalists and barangay representatives.

Bro. Jaazeal Jakosalem of the University of San Jose-Recoletos, who spoke during the forum, also suggested ways to help in protecting the environment such as composting, recycling, reusing instead of disposing, conserving electricity and water, and planting trees.

He also recommended the use of public transportation like car pooling, walking, and riding bicycles.

Jakosalem also encouraged ordinary individuals to participate and sign the Catholic Climate Petition campaign, a global campaign led by the Global Catholic Climate Movement (GCCM), a coalition of over 140 Catholic organizations from all continents working for climate action.

To support the pope’s call to action, one can sign the petition at http://catholicclimatemovement.global/petition. —Grace Melanie I. Lacamiento/NSA (FREEMAN)

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