5 Ways to Spend ‘Single Sundays’

CEBU, Philippines –  Single people are at the most risk of getting bored. Especially on idle Sundays when the bustle of life has ceased. Those who are single or living alone may better take heed of the advice: Take full advantage of your ‘me’ time.

Your weekend social buzz has worn off and you wake up Sunday morning to the sound of silence. This sound familiar? Only if you are unattached. Instead of wishing there was a special somebody in the kitchen cooking you breakfast, embrace the silence, and go make some of your own noise. Here are a few ideas to try on your Sunday alone in the city:

1. Hit the market.

Shop for fresh veggies and poultry (and eat all of the samples for brunch!). Make sure to grab all necessary items for a Sunday dinner spread – bring a new downloaded recipe each week and be sure to photograph your masterpiece. It could make for tasty artwork on your fridge!

2. Answer culture calls.

Grab a tall, fat free, frappé (or whatever form of caffeine you fancy) and hit your local book store or record store to brush up on the latest best sellers and must haves. Also, it’s likely you’ll see some eye candy while strolling the aisles that confirms last night’s crush was courtesy of beer goggles.

3. Get serious about a new series.

No shame in fully embracing the day of rest. Recall a new buzz-worthy TV series that a co-worker told you about months ago – check it out and get ready for water-cooler gab on Monday morning.

4. Embrace your creativity.

Get crafty and either take up a new project at home or go out and join a class, like sewing, painting, cooking or whatever.  It will feel so rewarding the next time your friends are over and ask where you got that unique piece of art – you can say, “Oh yeah, that old thing? I made it”.

5. Get all Dora the Explorer.

Ride your bike or take the streetcar to areas you don’t normally hang out in.  Not only will it be nice to window shop new store fronts, it will feel like you are on a day trip because you are out of your comfort zone.


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