DTI enforces 60-day price freeze in Cebu

CEBU, Philippines — The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI-7) will implement a “price freeze” starting next week following the declaration of the Cebu Provincial Government placing the province under a state of calamity due to the damage caused by the El Niño phenomenon.

DTI-Central Visayas Director Maria Elena Arbon said the price freeze order will be in effect for not more than 60 days, after the official order is announced.

Governor Gwendolyn Garcia signed Executive Order 9, series of 2024 on Thursday, May 23, 2024, days after announcing last week the Province’s plan to declare a state of calamity.

Last May 20, the Provincial Board also issued a resolution calling for such declaration.

Under the state of calamity, municipalities and component cities under the jurisdiction of the Provincial Government will receive access to calamity and quick relief funds to enhance programs and projects aimed at alleviating the effects of the prolonged drought.

The order covers the necessities such as processed milk, bread, salt, coffee, bottled water, detergent, canned fish, laundry soap, instant noodles, and candles, among others.

Individuals who violate the price freeze order could face fines or imprisonment of up to 10 years.

Arbon called the attention of retailers across Cebu province to respect the “price freeze” direction.

“We enjoin our business owners to respect the price freeze. It will only be for 60 days and after that, it will be lifted,” said Arbon in an interview yesterday on the sidelines of DTI’s TownHall Meeting held at University of the Philippines-Cebu which convened micro-small and medium entrepreneurs across the Visayas.

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