Stir interest with good content, draw in web consumers with sound conversation

CEBU, Philippines - While it is true that social media can help a business draw in consumers' attention, a social media enthusiast warned that it takes good practices and strong will to get rid of old, inefficient ways.

Creating brand visibility and awareness on the digital medium can effectively be done by starting and engaging a conversation with web visitors, said Johnn Mendoza, chief executive officer of Cebu-based Reminisense Corporation.

Online businesses -- and even traditional ones -- must create in their sites or in any social networking medium content that invites and builds a conversation among web users, Mendoza noted during the recent Social Media Meetup in Cebu.

He emphasized the most effective conversation is the one that invokes emotions from the participants and a good content is something that a customer is going to want.

"Come up with something that touches others. Don't just be the voice instead let people be the voice," he advised organizations and enterprises that plan to use the modern media to create traction and build a brand name.

With so many online contents now existing on web pages, attracting the interest of the people has become more challenging than before.

Content makers must formulate a page or message that is going to make someone "stop" and engage them in a conversation about a certain brand or advocacy.

"People always want to say something -- everyone wants to say something," the CEO said, adding that a content that plainly gives information can become "hassle and annoying" to web visitors.

And with that annoyance, people might probably associate negative thoughts about the brand company which creates such content.

In addition, Mendoza cited the Roman Catholic community as one of the most powerful and successful institution and religion in the world because of influencing a "habit" to its members.

These habits such as praying before eating, attending mass every Sunday and going to communion for example remind the Christians about their identity.

Precisely, this should the kind of method that existing and potential online content makers apply, he added, noting that the constant interaction should draw the common interest of social media users. The fact that most conversations are now happening on the social web, maintaining visibility has become more possible. (FREEMAN)

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