Manny’s new spar mate gets rude welcome

Manny Pacquiao sparred 10 rounds with three different boxers Wednesday at the Wild Card Gym and gave the newest member of the training camp, Juan Rodriguez, a bloody welcome.

According to a Team Pacquiao member, Rodriguez, a lefty who moves like David Diaz, suffered a bloody nose after three hard rounds with the Pinoy superstar who “moved so well on the ring.”

Even Pacquiao’s shirt which he wore during sparring had Rodriguez’ blood on it, according to the source.

Pacquiao, who shoots for the WBC lightweight crown against Diaz on June 28 in Las Vegas, also sparred three rounds with Steve Quinones and four with Gary McMillen.

Pacquiao sparred eight rounds last Monday, and has logged a total of 38 rounds just a month before the fight. He said he plans to spar no less than 120 rounds for the coming fight.

Pacquiao, who normally spars on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, has changed his schedule to  M-W-F only for this week as he prepares for another promotional tour in California on May 31.

If plans push through, Pacquiao and Diaz will hold public workouts on Saturday (Sunday in Manila) at the West-Wind Event Center at 1551 University Ave. in Berkeley, California.

Less than two weeks ago, the two fighters were in Chicago, Diaz’ hometown, for a press conference and a pep rally drumming up the highly awaited showdown. – Abac Cordero

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