2020 Year of the Metal Rat: New Beginnings

The Year of the Metal Rat, which starts on Jan. 25, 2020 and ends on Feb. 11, 2021, will be an exciting year of new beginnings. For most of us, the year is going to be marked by success on various fronts. New opportunities will abound for earning more money, improving one’s career or finding everlasting love.

The Chinese zodiac is a 12-year cycle composed of animal signs that represent each of the 12 years – Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig. The cycle begins with the Rat and ends with the Pig. So while the Year of the Pig 2019 was a year of assessment of the past cycle, reflection on our personal successes and failures and consolidation of knowledge we acquired in the past, the Year of the Rat will be one of new developments and renewals in many aspects of our lives.

In Chinese horoscope, the events and prospects in our lives are shaped by many factors related to our birth sign. Each lunar year is ruled by an animal sign with very specific characteristics. The Pig is easy-going, laid back and overflowing with good intentions. 2019 was therefore a relatively calm year for most of us, a period when introspection about our past and future prevailed. On the other hand, the Rat is naturally inquisitive, energetic and resourceful, so expect a year full of surprises.

The lunar year is also greatly influenced by the prevailing basic elements of metal, earth, wood, fire or water. The relationships and interactions between these five elements determine what’s going to be in store for us during the year. The Year of the Metal Rat is ruled by its dominant elements, the strongest of which is Metal, followed by Water.

General Prospects for 2020

In 2020, our motto should be “everything is possible.” The year is going to be fast-paced, prosperous and lucky for most of us, reflecting the personality of the Metal Rat. Everyone will be relentless in his pursuit of goals and aspirations. Liken it to starting on a clean slate on which, depending on how carefully you’ve planned, everything is possible.

The Year of the Metal Rat is generally a good year to start new endeavors. Whether it is a new business venture, real estate purchase, financial investment or even a new hobby, chances are this will be a successful undertaking. Outside of careful planning and rational analysis, one should also rely on instinct or gut feel when taking the plunge into new things.

Among the Chinese, the Metal element symbolizes autumn or harvest time. Metal coinciding with the Year of the Rat or the start of a new cycle therefore portends a bountiful year when past efforts and investments shall bear fruit.

In world politics and events, the lively and oftentimes temperamental characteristic of the Metal Rat will dominate people’s aspirations for their respective countries. Tolerance for political deception, corruption and repression of human rights will be low, igniting unrest in several countries. In 2019, the yin Earth sitting on top of the prevailing Water element caused volatility and unrest in some parts of the world. This was true for Hong Kong and parts of the Middle East. With the prevailing Metal element this year, these political unrests will continue with fervor, causing problems for affected governments. 

This volatile situation will also see drastic changes in some governments. One world leader will be forced to resign from office. A new monarch will be crowned due to the demise of the current ruler. A head of government will suffer a serious illness and will vacate his position.

Climate change will be exacerbated by the prevailing elements in the Year of the Rat. The absence of the Fire element that will control the strong Water element will cause several major water-related tragedies. Similarly, the combination of Metal and Water elements will weaken the Earth element, causing disasters such as earthquakes, mining accident and a major volcanic eruption.

The economic and business prospects for 2020, however, look good for most industries. The Metal Rat is known for its creative energy, so expect the creative industry including arts, entertainment, advertising and hospitality business to prosper this year.  

Other industries expected to fare well are energy and power generation, food and beverage, real estate, mining, insurance, banking, health and IT industries. Those that will face challenges are transportation, agriculture and communication industries.

Our lucky colors this year which will balance the flow and interaction among the five elements are blue (Water) and gold and white (Metal). The combination and use of these colors will facilitate the ease and flexibility of business deals and legal transactions. Having these colors in your person or in the venue where an important transaction or negotiation will take place will most likely bring success to the undertaking.

So let’s toast to new beginnings and take advantage of the opportunities and blessings that will come to us in the Year of the Metal Rat 2020.

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