No to permanent base

It is welcome that US Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel clarified that the US is not seeking permanent bases in the Philippines. But DND Secretary Voltaire Gazmin announced that US troops would have access to Subic Bay military facilities of the AFP. It is not yet clear how many months US troops, ships, or planes can be stationed in Subic military bases.

A DFA source indicated that a 20-year period is being discussed by the 2 panels. Why 20 years? Shouldn’t it be limited to the end of P-Noy’s term, with a provision for extension to be discussed with the new president in July 2016?

Chinese rebuff

It is embarrassing that China has rejected President Aquino’s plan to visit on the occasion of the opening of an Asean Trade Fair.

What happened? Why did DFA not do the standard practice of informing China of President Aquino’s planned visit even before it was announced?

Somebody is to blame here. The DFA and the Office of the President.

Pork revived in 2012

Agriculture Secretary Proceso Alcala confirmed that his department accepted PDAF funds intended for NGOs in August 2012.

He revealed that he resumed accepting PDAF after DBM advised him he cannot refuse to accept PDAF funds nominated by lawmakers. Lawmakers also told him in budget hearings that he cannot refuse to accept PDAF funds intended for farmers.

This is the first confirmation that PDAF abuses has also occurred during President Aquino’s term and that it was authorized by DBM Secretary Butch Abad.

Alcala has earlier admitted that the Department of Agriculture has allowed his department to be used to provide PDAF funds to 92 NGOs, 8 of which are connected with the Napoles group.

With Alcala’s admission together with the release of P900 million of the Malampaya fund to the Department of Agrarian Reform, also released to Napoles NGOs, President Aquino must now direct Secretary De Lima and IAGACC to investigate the use of PDAF funds from July 2010 to June 2013.

Secretary Alcala named 6 congressmen who released their PDAF fund thru Department of Agriculture to NGOs.

Give up the social fund

Despite the President’s announcement to abolish the PDAF, it did not serve to stop the Million March to Luneta activity.

Again, the President’s sincerity in abolishing the pork barrel is now being questioned and has refused so far to say he is giving up his own Presidential pork barrel.

At the center of the controversy is a P5-billion Presidential Social Fund from PAGCOR. The President’s credibility on the pork barrel abolition will be greatly enhanced if he were to give it up.

Information made available is that the PSF is the source of funds to give assistance to the families of slain policemen and soldiers. This can be assigned to DSWD or DND. Requests of local government officials for hard projects like roads, school buildings and water systems should be referred to DPWH or DILG.

Other requests for donations by charitable or civic organizations can be taken care of directly by PCSO and PAGCOR.

Part of the PSF can be given to the PCSO to augment its budget for medical assistance.

The Office of the President is already overloaded with different functions. Giving up the PSF will relieve it of detailed work, which can be taken care of by the different departments.

Congressmen need their pork barrel in aid of reelection. The President is constitutionally barred from seeking reelection. So he does not have any need for pork barrel funds to help him politically.

Nueva Segovia Archbishop Ernesto Salgado has joined the call for the abolition of the PDAF of Congress and the Presidential Discretionary Funds.

Good law

President Aquino has signed Republic Act (RA) No. 10612 that aims to provide scholarships and teaching incentives for those who would pursue courses in the fields of science and technology (S & T).

The new law builds and improves on the present Science and Technology Scholarships offered by the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) as provided by R.A. Act 7687, the Science and Technology Act of 1994.

An estimated 5,000 scholarships are provided under RA Act 7687. The new law will increase the number of Science and Technology Scholarships.

Build evacuation centers

Councilor Julienne Alyson Medalla of the 5th district of Quezon City has filed a resolution proposing the construction of evacuation centers complete with clinic, bathrooms, a centralized kitchen, laundry areas, a stockroom, and a sufficient number of toilet facilities good for 3,000–5,000 evacuees.

Councillor Medalla proposed special rooms for senior citizens, disabled persons and pregnant mothers. The evacuation center can provide sufficient relief space to stock relief goods.

Congratulations, Councilor Medalla. Quezon City, with a P12 billion income can certainly afford to build at least 3 evacuation centers.

Tidbits: Navy Captain Raul Ubando is the new Commander of the Presidential Security Group.

The Province of Cagayan is allowing black sand mining charging $6 per ton.

Radio commentator Fernando Solijon was gunned down in Iligan City.

A 13th blast hit Cotabato City outside the house of a barangay chairman.

Engr. Alvin Hernando was shot dead in Binan, Laguna. Businessman Marvin Dy was shot dead in Dasmarinas City

The budget of 79 state colleges and universities has been reduced for 2014.

Two soldiers were killed by NPA rebels at an attack on their camp in Tabuk, Kalinga.

Congressman Elpidio Barzaga (NUP, Cavite) has proposed the total abolition of the PDAF. Congressman Georgidi Aggabao (NPC, Isabela) has issued a statement of opposing the abolition of the PDAF. Majority of LP Congressmen oppose the abolition of the PDAF. The Makabayan Bloc of activist party list congressmen have called for the abolition of the PDAF .

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