Niño's prank

Two straight Sundays I heard mass at the Basilica, and 2 straight Sundays, He plays a prank on me that's semi amusing.

 The other Sunday (January 8):

 During the "Gloria" part of the mass, I suddenly feel my immediate ex's presence, sort of an extrasensory, telepathic thing.

 I texted him, "I think you are here at the Basilica. I feel your presence and I couldn't be wrong." FYI, three years prior, while also broken up (and while broken up, we still finished the 9-day novena mass, as per tradition), we had a big fight right before the mass on the last day of the novena masses. I stormed out of our HP Acebedo Main branch in Sanciangko, and so did he.

 I felt terrible that we weren't going to finish the 9-day mass together (we finished the 9-day Misa de Gallo just weeks before), but because of pride, I neither called nor texted him, and so I went to the Basilica alone, unmindful of whether he was going to church or not. While at the Basilica, I felt his presence and saw in my mind what seemed like a vision, a premonition (he was supposed to be standing by one of the pillars at the Pilgrim Center). As soon as people started to line up for communion and there was movement in that sea of people, I tried to find my way to the spot of my 'vision.' True enough, I found him standing there, and in the middle of that crowd, we hugged. Cosmic.

 That was three years ago. Now, we're broken up again (with finality this time), and the same thing happened. It was the same feeling, no vision this time, but the same feeling, so I knew I couldn't be wrong. True enough, he answered my text, "Yes I am."

 I knew he was there with the guy he's currently seeing, and so I asked the Holy Child, "what's up with that, why does it have to be during the mass? Again?" (the only other time I saw them was also before hearing mass at the Redemptorist a Sunday during the first week of December).

 Before the mass ended, and eager to go to a date I was to have after the mass, I stationed myself right by the archway leading to the exit to await the priest's final blessing. There, while standing with multitudes of faithful Cebuanos, I saw him... with him.

 "Of all the mass schedules, with the thousands of people present, I really had to see them?"-I asked the Holy Child. And while I did, I searched my heart for pain, or anger, or bitterness, but I couldn't find any. Sure, it was a tradition we started years ago, and it was quite difficult to see someone else in my place, but things were different now. Unlike before, now I've moved on and I've let go.

 So I talked to the Holy Child some more, asked him if that was the reason why I had to see them, if I needed to see them there, enjoying a tradition that was originally ours and yet, not feeling any pain or anger or bitterness. I found myself smiling at the realization of the moment, and smiling to the heavens for the blessing of understanding the will of the Lord.

 And the choir singing provided music so apt-an uncommon rendition of the Prayer of St. Francis ("grant that I may never seek to be consoled as to console; to be understood, as to understand; to be loved, as to love…for it is in giving that we receive; it is in pardoning that we are pardoned…"), echoing the insights of the instance, it felt like a soundtrack to the movie of my life.

 As soon as the priest said his blessing, and truly feeling blessed, I stepped out of the Basilica's Pilgrim Center and texted my 'date': "I'M ON MY WAY."

 Last Sunday (January 15):

 I was supposed to hear mass at the Cathedral, but even after luckily finding a parking spot right across the church (which was impossible to find in that area on Sinulog Sunday, with all the rerouting and No Entry signs, and all the people invading the streets), there was something inside of me that lead me to drive past it.

 I found my way to the Cebu City Hall (just beside the Basilica) and thought, 'if I find a parking spot here, considering the improbability, and if there was a mass at the Basilica at the time, considering I didn't know the schedule, the Holy Child might really want me to hear mass there (like we did last year, Baudy and I, also on Sinulog Sunday).'

 Lo and behold, miraculously, like the parting of the Red Sea, a parking spot opened. And the Mass had just started. Perfect, Niño really wanted me there.

 At some point during the priest's homily, my mind started to wander, and I started to wonder about the events and realizations of the previous Sunday. I talked to Santo Niño again: "Why did Baudy have to be there? I mean, I get it. I sort of get it. But why, with the thousands of people there (that day, not a single person I know), why did I feel his presence, why did I have to see him? Grabe naman the coincidence."

 And the priest, still giving his homily, suddenly declares and then bursts into song: "Mao nang gitawag og-'Gotta believe in magic, tell me how two people find each other, in a world that's full of strangers, you gotta believe in magic…'"

 What are the odds? DID SANTO NIÑO JUST TEASE ME? But because I'm in a much better place, and I have a better grasp of things, it was easy to laugh it out, and be grateful for everything that's happened to me. Also, Santo Niño knows how much of a bully I am, so I guess he's doing the same to me to get back at me in behalf of everyone I've ever played a prank on. Fair enough. LOL.

(Note: This piece was originally published on my Facebook as a caption to a photo of people swaying their hands while singing the Batobalani sa Gugma).

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