'We need to talk'

For the longest time, Filipinos have always complained or disliked how politicians almost always attract attention for all the wrong reasons. Most of them often get “noticed” because of the noise or bling they make upon arrival, or because of the small army of bodyguards that surround their sorry butts.

Yesterday, a number of motorists who were busy loading fuel at the Petron station on C-5 were all surprised to see one “Senator” who was so different from the norm.

Senator Tito Sotto casually drove in to the Petron Station on C-5 all by his lonesome self. No driver, no bodyguards, no security back up. If people noticed, it was because they could not believe that he was being a simple, ordinary motorist buying gas.

The last time I was impressed by a similar conduct was when I saw Arlene De Castro, wife of former Vice President Noli De Castro, shopping at a mall without any visible security or entourage. When we commented on the absence of a security detail, “Tita Arlene” stressed that she was not the Vice-President, she was only the Vice President’s wife.

Maybe it has something to do with the fact that both Senator Sotto and Arlene De Castro are both from media and entertainment. They know how fans and followers put value to accessibility and being maka-“Masa”.

Perhaps it also has to do with having very few enemies or no enemies at all, that allows them the privilege to walk among mere mortals with no risk, no fear and no shame. I guess those who go around with so many bodyguards are those with a lot of sins or a lot of enemies.

Of course there is also that small insecure group of petty little people who try to manufacture their status or their importance by surrounding themselves with an army of hangers-on or fake bodyguards. As they say, having your own crowd attracts attention. 

Only after my brief encounter with “Tito Sen” or Senator Sotto, did I realize how many current Kamag-anaks in this administration are being given too many escorts, bodyguards etc. Considering how much money is provided for staff and intelligence funds to government officials, why does the PNP, the PSG even AFP has to stretch its very limited budget to provide security?

Sorry but so many of these so-called VIPs make so much money, they work for big companies with a lot of money, Why then should we allow them to be FREELOADERS?

If Tito Sotto and Arlene De Castro can manage to go around without security, why can’t the others do likewise?

If no less than the President of the Philippines now travels with what seems like half the contingent that former Presidents used to, isn’t it about time that Kamag-anaks, ka-klasse and kabarkadas do like wise?

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In the five-minute encounter I had with senator Sotto, I learned that the Senators will be holding a caucus or conference today to come up with resolutions and solutions in response to the aftermath of the suicide of Angelo Reyes.

That is the reason I titled today’s column: “We Need To Talk”

Rather than breakdown and analyze the problem to death, what our senators should be doing is simply move forward by writing down a preamble, purpose and terms of engagement for all future Senate investigations.

There would be no point in addressing all the questions, accusations and aspersions cast upon the Senate and the Senators. The objective should be to make sure that all the wrong or bad things that happen in the past, should never happen again because even Senators have been victimized by the unrestrained process of senate investigations

First and foremost, the Senate should clarify, explain and educate themselves on the difference between a resource person versus a defendant, the Senate should make the distinction and educate Senators, that a resource person is asked, interviewed or encouraged to contribute to the development or crafting of a proposed legislation.

In order to achieve this, the members of the Senate must try to be brutally honest about the fact that many of them have become to obsessed with practicing, honing and showing their skills in cross-examination and proving what good lawyers and legal minds they are. Sadly I dare say that it has become more about them than the legislations they are supposed to make.

While our Lawyer-Senators may know better, the general public does not fully agree with the notion that it is the job of Senators to interrogate or cross-examine resource persons or witnesses in aid of legislation.

Finally, the threat of contempt refers to an outright contemptuous act against a Senator or the Senate as a whole in terms of language or outright refusal to cooperate. However, between a constitutional right of a citizen versus the power to persuade of the Senate, some Senators should be careful of pushing their luck or using powers they do not fully understand.

The Philippine Constitution and the Supreme Court still stands guard to protect the constitutional rights of any and all citizens. These rights remain greater than any Senators’ itch to scratch an issue or testimony.

It would be a very embarrassing and humiliating day if the Supreme Court steps in and tells the Senate that their power to hold in contempt is being used in the wrong way. Given all the frustration and tragedy, Filipinos are still hoping for the best and for things to be done better. We need change and the Senate can and should be part of that change.

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