6 inmates bolt Kidapawan city jail

KIDAPAWAN CITY, Philippines - Local authorities have launched a massive manhunt operation after six detainees facing various criminal cases bolted from their detention cell at the city jail on Sunday.

Superintendent Leo Ajero, director of the Kidapawan City police, told reporters that the detainees escaped before dawn Sunday through a small window at the wall of their roadside cell.

Ajero said that the detainees cut through the iron grills with a hacksaw.

“They must have cut the grills gradually, slowly to avoid detection,” Ajero said.

Investigators found a bottle of used engine oil in the abandoned cell, which was apparently used to lubricate the saw and to reduce noise while the prisoners were slowly cutting the iron grills.

Ajero said the detainees escaped amid heavy rains.

He said that the escapees, one of them a minor, are facing illegal drugs and robbery cases and some were being litigated for violation of Republic Act 9262, also known as the Violence Against Women and Children Law.

City Mayor Joseph Evangelista has ordered a massive hunt for the suspects.

Evangelista also urged for an investigation on who should be held responsible for the security lapses that led to the jailbreak.

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