‘US tax raps vs INC baseless’

MANILA, Philippines – The tax fraud case filed against the Iglesia ni Cristo by an expelled minister in the US is baseless, an INC official said yesterday.

Edwil Zabala, spokesman for the INC, said former minister Vincent Florida submitted no evidence in his tax fraud complaint filed with the US Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

“He has no evidence to back up his claims. We challenge him to use whatever IRS form he wants, but the result will be the same because we have done nothing wrong,” Zabala said in a statement sent to The STAR Tuesday.

He said if the charges are proved wrong, Florida should be held accountable “for wasting the time of the IRS and making a mockery of US tax laws.”

Zabala said the latest case against the INC no longer came as a surprise.

He urged the public to be circumspect amid the attempts to destroy the credibility of the INC and its leaders.

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