Suspect in constable’s slay: Cops got wrong car

MANILA, Philippines - A driver, charged with murder for allegedly dragging a Metro Manila Development Authority (MMDA) constable last month, said yesterday his employer’s vehicle was never involved in the incident.

During his arraignment yesterday, Mark Ian Libunao pleaded not guilty before Quezon City Regional Trial Court Branch 100 Judge Genie Gapas-Agbada.

His arraignment proceeded after the judge denied the motion for preliminary investigation filed by the suspect through his lawyer, Aldean Philip Lim.

In the motion, Lim claimed the vehicle driven by his client was not the one that dragged, and later killed, MMDA constable Sonny Acosta.

“It was mistakenly identified as the vehicle involved in the incident,” Lim said following the hearing.

He challenged the MMDA to release the closed-circuit television footage where the incident happened on Dec. 19 to identify the real vehicle that was flagged down by the slain constable.

The complaint filed before the court alleged Acosta flagged the sport utility vehicle driven by Libunao at a bus loading bay along EDSA.

However, instead of surrendering his license, the driver allegedly rolled up his window and sped off, dragging Acosta, whose arm was still stuck in the vehicle.

Libunao was arrested the same night in San Miguel, Bulacan after the police traced the plate number of the vehicle to a certain Dante Borguete. The suspect works as a driver of Borguete’s father-in-law, police said.

But in opposing the motion, the prosecution panel argued that the claims of the defense are matters best discussed during a full-blown trial.

Gapas-Agbada agreed with the prosecution panel and ordered the immediate arraignment of the suspect.

Earlier, assistant city prosecutor Corazon Romano issued an amended resolution, which elevated the charges filed against Libunao from reckless imprudence resulting in physical injury to murder.

A separate charge of driving without a license was also filed against Libunao before the Metropolitan Trial Court.

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