Austerity measures reach PNP

Newly designated National Capital Region Police Office (NCRPO) chief Director Avelino Razon said officers will have to deal with a few sacrifices as part of the police organization’s compliance with the austerity measures of the government.

The Metro police chief said the NCRPO’s austerity measures, part of his first 100 days program of action, will include a "continuing and conscious" conservation of water, energy and telephone utility.

Razon said he will also do away with a lot of unnecessary snacks served during police conferences.

"Merienda during conferences only make police officers fat. Plain coffee or tea will have to do. The money saved on merienda shall be plowed back for operational requirements," Razon said.

He noted that the PNP’s limited funds are further depleted by contributions and donations to fundraising activities.

"Let us admit it, donations and contributions to these activities are drawn from public funds, which could be properly used to support NCRPO operations," Razon said.

Razon also said playing golf should only be limited to weekends.

"No golfing on weekdays. As policemen, we should divide and focus our time and effort in doing our job. Personnel should not play golf during office hours. Likewise, golf tournaments scheduled during office hours should not be an excuse to play golf," Razon said.

Noting that the NCRPO only has a 30 percent mobility profile in the field, the Metro police chief ordered all district directors in Metro Manila to stop the use of motorcycle escorts for the convoy of NCRPO senior officers.

Razon ordered the recall of staff cars used by officers at the regional headquarters for their use in field operations.

"Stop the practice of removing the dome lights and converting marked PNP vehicles to civilian cars," he said.

Except for the PNP chief, Razon noted that all other senior NCRPO officers are banned from use of police escorts.

"This practice depletes the already small number of motorcycles available for patrol and traffic duties. More escorts do not project a positive image on the general riding public who are left to bear the inconveniences of being caught in the traffic without the PNP doing anything about it," Razon said.

Razon also barred personnel from using motorcycles for security escorts in funerals and weddings.

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