The stuff of dreams

MANILA, Philippines - Last week, we debuted our brand new YStyle logo, created by freelance painter, illustrator and designer, Tof Zapanta. He renders our pages with his surreal take on dreams, and aptly so, because isn’t fashion a daydream come true?

YSTYLE: When you hear “YStyle”, what kind of images or ideas does your mind conjure up?

A lot of fantastic images, patterns, and color palettes.

What was your concept for the new YStyle logo?

Dreams. It’s a surreal interpretation of children and their dreams, building a dream within you and releasing it to guide you.

Were you listening to music while you were designing it? What song? On purpose or on shuffle?

Yes. Mu by Similar Objects. On purpose.

Who inspires your art?

Currently I’ve been looking a lot at the works of Angie Wang, and Killian Eng, and anything science fiction. They have very stylistic and surreal color palettes and visuals. I wouldn’t say they inspire my art, but they set the mood, brings me to their world and stimulates the creation of my own (weird/interesting) world.

What inspires your lifestyle?

I inspire my own lifestyle –– my mood, wants, interests, taste.

It’s the second half of the year –– how did you spend the first half?

Creating things –– Illustrating for Discovery Channel magazine for nine issues now, exhibiting all over Asia (Malaysia, Japan, Singapore) with Designers of Asia, a collective of Asian designers/illustrators that I’m part of. 

What upcoming projects do you have for the next half and beyond?

Right now we, Designers of Asia, Burnwater Design, Folk Superlative, and Future, are in the process of planning something really big for September. So watch out for that; you’ll be hearing about it very soon.

What’s up with your photo?

I was asked to let my hair down, and lie down on the floor for this one (shot by Bia Catbagan). They, then, proceeded to spread my hair all over the floor. (Laughs.)

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